Emprendimiento social, ¿Alguien se anima?

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Registrado: 30 Jul 2014, 22:09

Emprendimiento social, ¿Alguien se anima?

Mensaje por RLD »

Hace dos días ha comenzado este MOOC impartido por la CBS sobre emprendimiento social: https://www.coursera.org/course/socialentrepeneur

Os dejo la carta de presentación de los profesores Kai Hockerts y Kristjan Jespersen:
Dear Social Entrepreneurs,

After weeks of preparation we are finally ready to launch our Social Entrepreneurship MOOC. Thank you for signing up for this course! We are looking forward to learning together with you about the power of bundling the imagination and determination of so many social entrepreneurs in one place.
As a first step for us to get to know you and your interests we have designed a survey which we would like you to respond to before starting the MOOC. The survey should take 15-20 minutes to fill in and it will help us better understand who is participating in this course.


Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @cbsSENT or/and on Facebook at CBS Social Entrepreneurship for news and updates during the course.

As you will soon see this course is different from many other MOOCs in that it is less focused on academic readings and lengthy lecturing. In effect one of the most important learning components in this course will be your interaction with the other MOOC participants, because in the next 12 weeks you will actually engage in starting a real social enterprise. You are going to identify an opportunity, develop a business model, and write a business plan. So please make sure to fill in your Coursera participant profile by indicating your interests as well the channels through which MOOC participants can get in touch with you.

To allow enough time for you to work on the business idea, model, and plan for your social enterprise we have designed the course to keep video material at less than 60 minutes per week. We have also limited the number of academic readings. So take advantage of the space left to meet fascinating participants from around the world and to work together on your social enterprise idea.

At the end of the course all business plans will be evaluated and the best plans will receive start-up funding. Moreover, as a winner in the MOOC’s business proposal competition, you will become part of an elite team receiving support to make your entrepreneurial idea a reality!

This course is very flexible. Some of you will already have ideas on how to improve the world and want to get started at writing a business proposal. For the others, we have designed a step-by-step approach that will take from a problem, to an idea, and then towards building a business model

Now however, go ahead and introduce yourself in the forum, check out the syllabus and course calendar, and of engage with the introductory material in the topic "Week 0 - Introduction to the course"... Enjoy!

Best wishes,

Kai Hockerts, Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, Copenhagen Business School

Kristjan Jespersen, PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School

And rest of the CBS Social Entrepreneurship Course Team
Como podéis ver, este MOOC se basa en desarrollar una idea de negocio con impacto sobre la sociedad y trabajar sobre ella. Al final del curso, las mejores ideas recibirán funding.

¿Qué os parece juntarnos algunos de nosotros para intentar sacar algún proyecto adelante?
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Re: Emprendimiento social, ¿Alguien se anima?

Mensaje por guiferhu »

A mi me interesa el tema, así que iré viendo el material que cuelguen en el MOOC, pillo sitio en este tema. Pero creo que no tendría suficiente tiempo para preparar un buen plan de negocio de emprendimiento social.
Última edición por guiferhu el 24 Abr 2015, 01:25, editado 1 vez en total.
Analista Senior
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Registrado: 08 Dic 2014, 05:46

Re: Emprendimiento social, ¿Alguien se anima?

Mensaje por Dav1993 »

Otro que se apunta, casualmente he participado en algo parecido recientemente!
Mensajes: 109
Registrado: 24 Jun 2012, 02:14
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Re: Emprendimiento social, ¿Alguien se anima?

Mensaje por enunmardedudas »

hola buenas ,
yo también me uni al MOOC.
aprovechando este hilo sobre social entrepeneurship, aprovecho parara preguntaros a cerca
de este Msc http://www.europeanmicrofinanceprogram.org/

que os parece
conoceis a alguien que lo haya cursado
cuales fueron sus impresiones/experiecia

