Jules and Jim both invested certain amount - DS (>700)

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Jules and Jim both invested certain amount - DS (>700)

Mensaje por GMAT_ClubMBA »

Jules and Jim both invested certain amount of money in bond M for one year, which pays for 12% simple interest annually. If no other investment were made, then Jules initial investment in bond M was how many dollars more than Jim's investment in bond M.

(1) In one year Jules earned $24 more than Jim from bond M.
(2) If the interest were 20% then in one year Jules would have earned $40 more than Jim from bond M.
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Re: Jules and Jim both invested certain amount - DS (>700)

Mensaje por Fernandocma »

y la D cuanto es
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Re: Jules and Jim both invested certain amount - DS (>700)

Mensaje por dborbon »

Es un problema de Data Sufficiency. Fíjate en el título del post que pone DS!

La D significa que el problema lo podrías resolver con cualquiera de las dos opciones que te dan!!

Como sabrás, estos problemas no tratan de obtener el resultado, sino de saber si, con los datos que te dan, podrías llegar al resultado...

The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself