Chicago Booth Leadership Series en Fundación Rafael del Pino

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Registrado: 29 Ene 2011, 20:36
Alma mater: UPM

Chicago Booth Leadership Series en Fundación Rafael del Pino

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Una buena oportunidad para asistir a un evento interesante organizado por la Fundación Rafael del Pino.

El 31 de marzo Abbie Smith, Boris e Irene Stern, profesores de Accounting de Chicago Booth van a Madrid, dentro del programa "Chicago Booth Global Leadership Series¨.

Una pena porque estaré en Madrid la semana anterior. Me hubiera gustado ir.

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Chicago Booth Global Leadership Series - What Drives Corporate Transparency?

Abbie Smith,
Boris and Irene Stern Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting, Chicago Booth

Join professor Abbie Smith as she discusses what drives corporate transparency and reporting failures. Can executives incentive plans influence transparency and the risk of fraud? Can a firm's financial choices affect the quality of reported earnings, and do market conditions affect the quality of this financial reporting? How do the personal attributes of CEOs affect this issue, and where do independent directors fit in? Smith reveals recent evidence and open issues concerning the quality of financial reporting and breakdowns in transparency.

The Chicago Booth Global Leadership Series brings renowned University of Chicago Booth School of Business faculty and extraordinary business leaders to cities around the world, offering an unparalleled view of the world economy and current business trends, and innovative ideas to help your business succeed.
The only people who never fail are those who never try