Problema GMAT Verbal 02/07/14 (CR) (600-700)

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Registrado: 08 Mar 2013, 17:38
Alma mater: Universidad de Valencia

Problema GMAT Verbal 02/07/14 (CR) (600-700)

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Verbal (Critical Reasoning) (600-700)

Among people experience migraine headaches, some experience what doctors call”common” migraines, whereas others experience “classical” migraines. Siblings and spouses of common migraine sufferers are themselves twice as likely as the general population to experience common migraines. Siblings of classical migraine sufferers are four times more likely than the general population to experience classical migraines, whereas spouses of classical migraine suferers are no more likely than the general population to experience such headaches.

The information above provides the most support for which of the following hypotheses?

(A) Susceptibility to classical migraines is more dependent on hereditary factors than is susceptibility to common migraines.
(B) Unmarried adults are more likely to suffer from classical migraines than they are to suffer from common migraines.
(C) People who do not experience migraine headaches are unlikely to have spouses who are migraine headache sufferers.
(D) Children of people who suffer from common migraines are more likely than the general population to experience a common migraine.
(E) Between one-quarter and one-half of the general population suffer from either common or classical migraine headaches.
"En esta vida, todo lo que merece la pena, cuesta conseguirlo"
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Asociado Senior
Mensajes: 214
Registrado: 08 Mar 2013, 17:38
Alma mater: Universidad de Valencia

Re: Problema GMAT Verbal 02/07/14 (CR) (600-700)

Mensaje por Recobita »

Verbal (Critical Reasoning) (600-700)

Among people experience migraine headaches, some experience what doctors call”common” migraines, whereas others experience “classical” migraines. Siblings and spouses of common migraine sufferers are themselves twice as likely as the general population to experience common migraines. Siblings of classical migraine sufferers are four times more likely than the general population to experience classical migraines, whereas spouses of classical migraine suferers are no more likely than the general population to experience such headaches.

The information above provides the most support for which of the following hypotheses?

(A) Susceptibility to classical migraines is more dependent on hereditary factors than is susceptibility to common migraines.
(B) Unmarried adults are more likely to suffer from classical migraines than they are to suffer from common migraines.
(C) People who do not experience migraine headaches are unlikely to have spouses who are migraine headache sufferers.
(D) Children of people who suffer from common migraines are more likely than the general population to experience a common migraine.
(E) Between one-quarter and one-half of the general population suffer from either common or classical migraine headaches.

Solución propuesta:
respuesta: show
(A) El texto habla de una conexión genética mayor en la "classical migraine"
(B) En el texto nada apoya esta idea
(C) Podría ser cierto o no
(D) Se emplea la conexión genética hablando de la "common migraine" cuando debería ser al revés
(E) En el texto nada apoya esta idea

La respuesta correcta es (A)
"En esta vida, todo lo que merece la pena, cuesta conseguirlo"