Problema GMAT Verbal 23/07/14 (SC) (>700)

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Registrado: 08 Mar 2013, 17:38
Alma mater: Universidad de Valencia

Problema GMAT Verbal 23/07/14 (SC) (>700)

Mensaje por Recobita »

Verbal (Sentence Correction) (>700)

Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

(A) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(B) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission
(C) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(D) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,
(E) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced X-ray emission,
"En esta vida, todo lo que merece la pena, cuesta conseguirlo"
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Asociado Senior
Mensajes: 214
Registrado: 08 Mar 2013, 17:38
Alma mater: Universidad de Valencia

Re: Problema GMAT Verbal 23/07/14 (SC) (>700)

Mensaje por Recobita »

Verbal (Sentence Correction) (>700)

Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

(A) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(B) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission
(C) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(D) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,
(E) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced X-ray emission,

Solución propuesta:
respuesta: show
(A) Modificadores correctamente situados y significado claro
(B) La situación de los modificadores largos hace complicada de entender la frase
(C) "Called proton-induced X-ray emission" no debería ir entre comas y debería ir junto a "technique", which incorrectamente modifica a "emission"
(D) "Called proton-induced X-ray emission" no debería ir entre comas y debería ir junto a "technique", which incorrectamente modifica a "emission", "has the ability to" es wordy
(E) "Called proton-induced X-ray emission" no debería ir entre comas y debería ir junto a "technique", "has the ability to" es wordy

La respuesta correcta es (A)
"En esta vida, todo lo que merece la pena, cuesta conseguirlo"
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Registrado: 09 May 2024, 12:47
Twitter: @ElinNavarro_PR

Re: Problema GMAT Verbal 23/07/14 (SC) (>700)

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